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Skin Condition Assessment

 Skin conditions are one of the most common problems we see in our companion animals. There are many possible causes for skin conditions, which can manifest in many ways.

  • Frequent licking, chewing, rubbing or scratching of any area of the body including face, bottom (scooting), feet, tummy, ears
  • Shaking head
  • Skin discolouration or redness
  • Dry, dull, brittle or unkempt coat
  • Greasy or flaky skin
  • Lumps or sores
  • Sensitive in certain areas
  • Smelly coat/skin

Causes include allergies (many types), endocrine disorders, immune-mediated diseases, infectious diseases, tumours, congenital diseases and more.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Skin inspection and evaluation of history during consultation are first steps. Skin swab or ear swab samples are common to inspect for microorganisms. A specialised diet may be recommended to rule out food allergies. Referral to a dermatologist may be advised for further investigation such as allergy testing. Other tests such as blood tests or biopsy may be recommended.


Treatment depends on the condition. Often there is secondary infection on top of the underlying cause so both require treatment. Treatment may consist of good parasite prevention, topical treatments, oral medication, injectable medication, environment management, specialised diet, clipping, immunotherapy, biopsy, surgery, radiation or chemotherapy depending on the cause.